Wednesday, February 13, 2002

What Does It Take To Be # 1?

Ok just my fricking luck, I try to send something and this fricking GG thing resets. What the G is up with that! See what I mean by me losing patience on everything lately. With this past week gone by, just some things peeps been saying to me, that has got my confidence shaken and my frustration level rising. I have no idea why I am so bummed. At least v-ball last night was sort of enjoyable, seeing Ting was one thing. I haven't played with my little Ting-A-Ling in a while now or talked to her either. Singing Drowning to Sam was awesome just to embarrass her. But afterwards just driving home was upsetting, but yet I don't know why. All I can do is continue to ask God to restore my confidence. Lately, I feel my body is wearing down, mentally I feel rattled, and spiritually I missed a couple of devotion times. And now I'm just spacing myself from everyone else. Hopefully I can use this Saturday's drive to WMU to clear my thoughts, and search for peace with God. I need to snap out of this funk especially for tomorrow, if I'm to lead my team out for battle in v-ball. Since we play the defending champs from last semester, and I want to see how much farther I can take my team. I feel that it's my fault for losing last semester, so I've pushed myself harder as if it were CCUC all over again to come out a winner this semester. Oh fruity pebbles, gotta go home and call GrandPastor B now.

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