Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Last night as I came home from v-ball I spent some time of reflection/prayer of just staring outside my window and looking at the snow. One memory I had back at my old house was the days of the Ice Wars, that the neighbors and I had, where all of us on the street all had our own snow forts loaded with snowballs and some of us who were smart made pure iceballs. There would be a certain time of day we would all just go out and launch an attack on each other. And even when it wasn't time to attack, you had to guard your forts even when you're inside the house. Because some of us went around sabotaging each other's base or stealing ammo. See the dumb ones were the ones who did in broad daylight, while I did my sneak attacks at night and robbed people of their ammo. I remember one time I was caught going outside my house to grab the mail without my shirt. Boy that was a bad idea, because the neighborhood kids saw that and chased me up and down the street as I looked like an idiot running around with just my b-ball shorts on. I remember that to dodge the attack all at once, I just jumped into a big pile of snow, boy was that dumb as I came out with redness all over my chest and arms. Man those were the days.

Woohoo get to go to the Pistons game tonight, and see Jordan make on of his last apperances at The Palace. And finally last night we played some meaningful games of v-ball, ya know it's gonna be a great time of v-ball when you leave CBC at midnight. It's too bad we couldn't keep going because I know I was getting an adrenaline rush. Gosh I wish the v-ball tournament was now so the 5-1-4 can take it to the house!

Eye Of The Hurricane

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