Monday, February 10, 2003

It's great to have Saturday's off from the restaurant but it sucks when you have to be a little more conservative with $$$ the following week. Anyways this weekend, I have stopped doing the Bible in year because I wanted to make sure that I am hearing how God is speaking to me. But I'll probably pick up the plan tonight as if I weren't behind enough on my readings though.

This past Sautrday, I received an award for being the outstanding volunteer of ACA. Their was this huge banquet at Golden Harvest. Again I don't think I deserve this award because I believe their are a lot more people more deserving. Anyways, the amount of people just blew me away, over 300 peeps packed into Golden Harvest. It was wierd receiving the award in front of all those people, then giving a speech to everyone about it. It's cool that a little bio of me went circulating around the tables and people could read my testimony. All I could do was just give praise to God, and I kept wondering why I would want such an award. All I did was do my job because I love kids. It was even wierder after the banquet was over, as the president and vice president of ACA came over to talk to me. Then I got to talk to Marcella Lee from NBC the tv anchor lady, I didn't even know who she was before Elaine told me. Then I got to meet the first Asian state representative of Michigan right now, but personally I still don't like politics. Plus I felt some what famous when people wanted to take pictures of me for their chinese news paper. It was great to see old faces, Tracy, Viotta, Scott, Elaine, and Emily. It was nice to meet Igun (sp?) since Elaine used my guest ticket for her. Anyways, it was a nice night but personally I'd rather get back to the kids than attend one of those again.

Then yesterday's message was just so powerful and I'm glad David and I could talk about it. It was all about being hardcore straight to da bone Christian. So after watching the all star game I did some reflecting time with God. It's just so amazing where God put me at now in my life, but have I gotten complacent? I mean I'm doing pretty good in school right now would be excellent if it weren't for MTE, I'm in pretty good shape physically, and my walk with God has never been better. Just sitting in my room, meditating, I've come to realize that I'm at a limit, but I know I can go farther. So how do I do that? It's with myself and I need to push myself harder like MJ said last night, he wanted to distance himself from everyone in terms of b-ball. That's what I want to do in all aspects of my life. And it starts now by going to work out before the v-ball games instead of sitting at home being a coach potato or sitting in the ERL surfing the web.

One Step Closer

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