Friday, September 17, 2004

The tongue, as we are taught that it is the one of the strongest weapons we have. It can be used to build up or tear down. Tonight, I witnessed it in action once again at v-ball. I sensed tonight that something was wrong with Z. Throughout the night, he was in the tank with his head down. We talked afterwards, and it turned out that Tao dissed him to shorten it up. It just festered inside of Z because you can now see who are accepted to play at the court and who aren't. I wish I could of encouraged him more, but at the same time it's easy for me to say stuff. As Z has noticed that they've been more openly inviting me to play with them at other places. Also, as they refer to me as The Kid, because I am the youngest one there. I don't want to come off to anyone as the young cocky although I'll do it to those who are flat out jerks there ;) Z wants to challenge Tao next week which is great, but I want to make sure that he's cool, calm, and collective.

Also, my cuz called me today to tell me that one of my closest friends from high school, Cujo was on the front page of the Free Press. After reading his short blurb, I'm glad that it seems like his life is back on the straight and narrow. I still remember that day, everyone telling me to talk him out of marriage with this German girl. I figured to let him run his life his way, but they divorced. Sometimes I wonder if I should of said anything to save him from that pain. But I'm glad to see he is doing what I know he loves doing the most, playing hockey again.

Finally watched Survivor just now and I have nailed 3 of my 4 picks to win this season's Survivor. Here they are Eliza because she a cutie but also minors in Chinese. Chad because he is a teacher and an inspiration with his cancer story. Finally, Dolly another cutie is it just me or are all the Survivor cuties from Pa? Anyways, I'm interested to see how she carries herself through her faith. Man all I need is a 4th now, whom shall it be?

Hopped Up On The Q

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