Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Before shot of My Fishy losing her hair, pouty

However, My Fishy is happy with cheap food from the Pac-Mall Food Court

Rickett - Man I'm growing impatient waitin for the Bobcats to call me. I wish they'd just call me and just tell me that I didn't get it. I'm thinkin if I got it then they would of called me already instead of draggin it out to the end Friday like they said they would. I'm still hopeful for this chance but as each day passes it looks bleek.

So I went for a drive today and I decided to put things in perspective. Yup, I went to the late Tara & psycho Steven Grant's home today. I wanted to pay my respects after all they only live less then 2 miles from me. It just goes to show ya anything can happen anywhere, the neighborhood seemed just like your regular hood.

One last thing is, I'm such a dummy, I let ESPN talk me into switching some of my picks. They made me change my VCU and Louisville pick. Curse you Andy Katz!

Old Trail

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