Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Ok, I don't know what's wrong with my AOL lately because everytime I write something, as soon as I am about done, bam it fricking kicks me off. So now I doing right here at the OU library where I should be studying with Melissa. So what do I have to say? Well Viv is gone and I'm glad I got to see her before she left for Chi-Town. Zion United played our first soccer game on Sunday and we got smoked. It just frustrated the heck out of me because the goal of this team was too play well and have fun. So that is why we practiced every Thursday nights. However until the weather got colder the attendance started to drop. Some of us couldn't go anymore due to school and work. However the others I know are just a bunch of wusses and again I say it frustrates the hell out of me seeing us play. Because it's like well the weather is colder now and we don't need to practice, but I know our game will show up when it comes down to game time. Well hopefully this past Sunday it was a reality check for those people, I mean I'm not the best on the team either but dang it, if it wasn't for class I would be there to practice.

Then last night, we lost to Pfizer 1-2 which blows. Gosh dang it I need to start getting ther early now because it's frustrating trying to play without even touching a ball. This game was very competitive and boy did my energy surge up when me and this one girl were talking to the ref. Nothing better than talking a little smack, and afterwards, I talked to probably in my mind the MVP of this league, Chris. Every Monday night we usually talk, and we have nothing but the utmost respect for each other's game. I love how he plays the game, so smart and instinctive on what to do. I hope we play their team again in the playoffs so I can talk a little more smack at their girls though.

And that leads to today, I just got done playing with Melissa and now we're suppose to be studying but instead I'm in here. I got to talk to Kelly today because she usually hooks me up with info of what's been going on in the sporting world at OU. I tried to recruit her for our team because she's not a bad player, but she wants to head a free agent team instead. And this one girl, Kathy is paranoid of playing with me because I want good player on this team. Dang it, Melissa recruited her and she wants to recruit some guy, and I told her he needs to be good. And speaking of good players, ok I feel like I am regressing partially now due to the lack of competition on Tuesday nights now. I quote this from a couple of people now "it's not fun playing now at CBC" And dang it these people are right, again I say their is a time to outreach and a time to play some v-ball. I am seriously praying that tonight will be competitive right from the get go. But then again it is probably too much to ask for. I mean it's like ooooh we gotta reach out to the people who aren't as good at v-ball, so we gotta sacrifice those players who are good but are non-believers. Isn't both their salvations just as important? It's like we gotta mix up teams so those people who aren't as good or who go their for rec, get some fun in while those of us who wanna play hardcore gotta suffer. If tonight's v-ball action fricking blows monkey nuts again, I am seriously just considering posting up our Tuesday night v-ball to DetroitVPC so as JW and I would say, get some SS 3 players in here. Ok so the complaint could be, oh it's a sports outreach, dang it then let's play the fricking game like it's meant to be played. Again everyone grab a Bible and read Ecc. 3, their is a time for everything, a time to outreach and a time to play some v-ball. This fricking sucks I'm already complaining about Tuesday night v-ball when I haven't even played yet. So is tonight gonna blow baby mountain goats or are we actually gonna play? I guess we'll have to wait and see.


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