Thursday, October 24, 2002

So we just had a fire alarm at KL, so sorry to those I was talking to because I had to shutdown and walk outside. I never realized that many people went to our library. Boy this sugar rush is really killing me because now I'm starving with PS 241 coming up in a half hour. Tuesday I fell asleep during class and I gave a little spasm then I woke up. It's funny because Larry, JW and I were just talking about falling asleep during class and doing something retarded last week. I don't have much to say now and I guess after reading Conehead's blog, it must be a randomblog day for myself too. Maybe I'll go to class early and get some reading done, what a good boy I am.

Oh here's a lil' somethin, somethin that I've been humming in my mind as I was just surfing the web.

Do we always gotta run,
Do we always gotta hide,
Life's moving fast,
You're smoking a lot of hash,
You better get a move on,
Before it kicks you in the ass.

Why is it so hard for me to put things away in the past or even in the present? Instead why can't I focus on what God has shown me in His direction. I need to keep my faith strong, like my boy Job did back in the days. Gosh it's funny that the guy across from me keeps talking so fricking loud about fantasy hockey to this one girl. Wow is this a new way in picking up women? Maybe I should shove a hockey stick up his butt because some of us in here are trying to do work.

Lamb of God

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