Thursday, October 10, 2002

Ya know what blows? Is that I had this monstrous entry yesterday and it got erased because I lost my connection on dumb AOL! Anyways most of it was about how crappy it was playing v-ball these past couple of Tuesday nights. And again I say in Ecc. chapter 3, it talks about there is a time for everything. So there is a time to witness, a time to outreach, and there is time to play some hardcore v-ball. Ya know playing on these mixed teams where half the people don't care if they get better or not is not helping some of us out here. How do I know that they don't care about getting better, well half the people there have been going to v-ball longer than I have! Anyways I complained about it enough last night.

Speaking of last night, God has planted a seed in what is now called CYAF, and it's pretty cool how we're doing things because we can do things on the fly. So what does CYAF stand for? Well it stands for Cool Young Adults Fellowship, it beats out YFF, which Young Family Fellowship aka Ambassadors, not to hate on them but ya know, once you have kids it's all down hill. But am I an adult? Dude I'm the only one still in school from this group, and I know I ain't old. Why? Because I'm still The Kid. Mmmmm caramel apples rule too!

Well it's like 1:45 p.m. right now and I'm like butt late too class. I already tanked on this morning's exam because our dumb butt professor doesn't believe in giving us review sheets. But now I know how to prepare for his exams because Erin got a 93% on her exam. Dang it! She did twice as good as I did! Well Viv should be on her way back and I just got back from bringing her mama home. Hopefully she has a nice safe flight back. Gosh is it just me or is airport security really anal these days? Driving around the new terminal today, I've already got this master plan to blow up the airport if I wanted too. And here I see Mr. Airport Patrol think they've got this place locked down or something. I still wanna blow that one guy up who gave me my parking ticket at the airport. Even though I should really blame it Osama because if it wasn't for him, our airports wouldn't be having this anal security. Oh well time to go to class, wow class is sooo much shorter today :) Thanks for the shout out sis! Much love to ya, Laura and keep writing because I do get bored!

Lose Yourself

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