Monday, November 04, 2002

Ok, I just need to clarify with everyone that unlike all of you, I ain't in the old club :Þ I am and forever will be The Kid. Yesterday I was pretty happy because my hip injury was finally gone or close to being fully healed. However, playing soccer yesterday, I reaggrivated it by taking a hard fall on my hip. Now I'm back to square 1 where I have probs sitting down again. Then after getting my daily evaluations from Dr. Kim, dang it I knew about a month ago I did something to my shoulder at the v-ball clinics. It's been bothering me for a while but I thought maybe I've been off on my hitting. But it was confirmed that for the past month, I've had some sort of inflamnation (sp?) building up and some tendonitis that has caused my shoulder to be sore everytime I lift it up. However Larry took the worst of them all yesterday, and all I can say is my prayers are with ya brotha.

And tonight is a wonderful 3 v-ball games in a 4 hour time span. Since one of them is a playoff game I've decided to skip my first game at OU and be back in time for the doubleheader. So who do play in the playoffs, well it exciting that we're seeded 3rd and we'll go up against Back Again. Then at OU hopefully I can make it back in time to go up against Theta Chi. I could use a sensu bean or two to hold me over for tonight. Alright time to wheel and deal in fantasy b-ball.

Rabbit Run

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