Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Wow only less than 24 hours away from the Turkey Bowl and then Thanksgiving with family. Hmmm I'm thankful that God brought me home safely. As I was driving and got onto the free I saw like numerous cars just flying into the ditch. There were like 5 firetrucks acting as road blocks at 24 Mile, boy last night's black ice on the eastside was incredible. And I'm thankful that so far so good that my mommy doesn't need me to come up to the restuarant to help out, so that means I have more time on my hands to take care of the last minute shopping for tomorrow.

And I still don't know what it is about me on Tuesday nights sometimes. How come I get so easily frustrated with those on my team if they aren't performing at a higher level or at least playing smarter. And sometimes it's the same at b-ball, it's like people try to do things that they can't do. But it's just more frustrating at Tuesday nights, because if I'm on a bad team for b-ball it is easy for me to just get the ball every time but in v-ball it actually consists of teamwork. I dunno, it's like what Dave shared last night, why do we play v-ball? Well some people said for exercise and a time to get out and run a lil bit. Which is true for some people, but is it ok for me to say some of us want to improve or just play at a higher level? It's funny that Dave used Ecc. 3 while I've been using that chapter the whole time about Tuesday Night v-ball outreach. I mean do we now split up the court and say ok this side is for competitive/serious play and the other side is the exericise side? I mean if you want exercise to get out and work out a little then go to Bally's? Well that might be a bit harsh but I dunno it's just tough and it gets harder when you see those who play for the exercise and don't care too much about learning the game possibly hurting others. I mean yeah accidents are bound to happen but I remember Bao, Howard and I use to talk about this by saying that we can limit the amount of accidents. I mean if someone isn't as good but they are trying and willing to learn then I am all for that because you gotta start some where. I remember when I first came to Tuesday night v-ball and I was like the worst player there and yeah I got the look and the complaints. But that only motivated me more to learn this game to get better and play at a higher level than those who looked down at me. Am I satisfied of where I am at in v-ball? No way because like God's Word, I have a thirst to keep improving and I just can't stand being where I am at because I know I can keep going at a higher level. I dunno what it is sometimes with Tuesday night v-ball especially though, it is just mind boggling to me.

Next Big Thing

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