Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Wow, last night was a night of yet another God teaching me something. So lately I haven't been going to Sunday School at CBC and I've been more of a cruise control mode I guess. And GP B challenged me awhile back about finding a verse that talks about disassembling from the church. So last night during my quiet times, I really focused and prayed hard about finding it. And I found it, see I have the verse Heb 10:25 memorized and I never really look on after that. But it is in Heb 10:26-31 that really talks about leaving the church type of thing. Basically these 5 verses are a warning to those who desert or abandon the church during an assembly. So now I understand and hopefully I won't be missing Sunday School anymore. I'm glad God is so forgiving and loving as I repented last night.

So this past weekend, I saw 8 Mile with Chrissy, Connie, JW, Larry, Phil, Cougar, Alan, and Naomi. All I gotta say is that movie, is one of the best I've ever seen. I would give it 5 stars out of 4 if I could. The movie I thought was pretty accurate of how Detroit is and was. I recommend for those who were trully born and raised from D-Town and love rap music then this is a must see movie.

Also on an interesting note today at ENV class, I was eating my M&M's and Melissa grabs one. She didn't like the peanut as she was eating it so she was gonna give it back to me with her tongue into my month. Wouldn't that been a cool site during class to see, gosh you gotta love the kinkiness that people think of these days. Oh and no I didn't take the peanut with my mouth, I made her eat it instead.

Off The Wall

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