Monday, January 12, 2004

Ok, I wasn't gonna blog today but I need to continue to be unproductive. I had a nice lunch today with Carl, as we sat and chatted about classes and b-ball. Other than that, I am starting to realize that taking 17 credits, which is 5 classes, for 5 days, and on top of that 1 student teaching all for this semester. You do the math and it's called gotta get my act together before I drown in my own sorrow of school. I've had about 5 hours now to collect my things and actually do work. However, people including myself are freaking out with this Friday's meeting at school. Now that I'm cool, calm, and collected I feel as if I got everything together now. I start my 2nd student assignment for tomorrow at Edmonsun Elementary School teaching 4th graders. The good part is that it is closer to home, and close to Pho for lunch. The bad part is I still have to go to classes afterwards and I gotta wake up butt early. Man I'm hungry now, and when are Shawn and Sarah getting out of their night classes? Oh one cool part about one of my projects is that I get to follow and study Boo Boo for the rest of the school year. She's so funny and cute, if I was some what intelligent then I would post a pic of the 2 of us together celebrating the Feb b-days. Ok, time to get to work now. Plus I've noticed Carmen has decided to stop harassing me online too. Man I need some sort of AIM body guard from the YTF PowderPuff Girl Gang.

Show Me Love

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