Friday, April 02, 2004

I had a lot on my mind today as God continued to reveal things to me. Ever since this past Sunday, I've been wondering if I made some wrong decisions with registering for this upcoming year. After, watching Survivor tonight, I felt like Boston Rob. Although he didn't get to choose his direction, but the one I chose, I was leaving a lot of my peeps that I've grown close to at school over the years. Everyone opted to take the 3 week class in summer while I took the 8 credit 7 weeks/4 days in the spring.

I went over to Suga Mama's house to pick up a study cd and to talk. I love her to death, she's rockin 30 soon, but looks and acts like she is 20. I love her hubby and kid too, so adorable. I'm greatful throughout the year, that she has kept her word and stayed with me. She's been a great lab partner this semester. I told her, that I feel like I brought along with me the wrong peeps who wanted to take classes with me. I've been losing patience with some of them because it's been great that yeah we can goof around and poke fun at people. However, just lately I feel as if some of them having crossing the line. It's just been irritating me and that's why I chose to walk to class alone and left most of them hanging.

It was nice to walk around campus, and I went to an art exhibit going on at school. It made me appreciate art some more and made me think if I had to pick just one symbol for each year that I was alive, what would it be? I even went to the Rec to workout and peeps congratulated me for our Finals last night. Even that didn't mean anything to me because I just wasn't there to seek peep's praises.

Finally, I got back thinking about GP B's sermons over Revelation. He's right when we can even fool ourselves, as I've done that one too many times now. Am I just being naive or having too much hope? Hoping to find some answers, Saturday morning when I go to ACA to see my kids before I take one of the biggest tests of my life. I guess this thing is like the MCAT's for teachers, but I ain't sweatin it because I don't even know how to study for this thing.

What's Your Fantasy

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