Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Youth Violence - The last 48 hours, I've seen some crazy acts of violence from lil kids! I mean at CBC, we had someone just get decked in the belly. Another one with a black eye from a snow ball thrown by another. However, today @ Magahay was the worst of them all as a 2nd grader brought a knife into school today. The teacher found out, and was trying to take it away until the 2nd grader attacked her with it. The teacher finally was able to take the knife away, but without some injuries as the 2nd grader cut her wrist, and cheek. Such drama, and I wish I was there to get it from the 2nd grader so the teacher would not of gotten hurt.

Today, I was put on the spot by Lamchops, my teacher that I work with @ Magahay. I zoned out while he was teaching math, and man did I look stupid. I just can't help it that his teaching is so dry that it bores me. He is a good guy though, but I am starting to learn that he is only a good guy to you if you are a standout student. We had indoor recess today, and I noticed Jackie and Nikki were off on their own world. I am starting to understand His plan last semester by placing me in Special Ed. Jackie, and Nikki are SE students and because of it lowers their self-esteem. At the same time, those who seem "smarter" make them feel lesser of themselves. So I decided to take them for a walk around the school during recess and we just talked bout everything.

They have their own SE clique, because they are all at that "level." It pained me inside because Lampchops kept pressuring Jackie to answer an English question. He wasn't exactly encouraging and it only intimidated her and she just went back into her shell. I just wanted to tell him to backoff so fricking bad. Right now I am hoping, the principal will allow me to hold my own Tutor Time after school on Mondays. Nikki and Jackie love the idea and are willing to go if it is permitted. They were shocked when I responded to their question regarding $$$ that I am doing it for free. It's all bout my love for them and they know they are as equally special as the rest of the class is.

Plus, I got my paycheck today after student teaching worth more than any $$. Jackie drew me this rose with a heart over it saying that I was the best. That meant more to me, than anything and I even brought it with me to tonight's b-ball game as a dedication to her. I'll be hitting up this Friday's V-day party at Magahay as well. My prayer for the week is that the principal allows me to do my Tutor Time on Mondays.

Rocket Queens

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