Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dream Weaver - Since, Saturday it has been one learning curve after another. I guess it all started with Praise Nite, most like Pastor G's message bout internal changes. It really got me thinking and thanks to a sister for pointing out to me, of my own changes. That night, I had a couple of bad dreams. One of them was becoming what I do not wanted to turn out, but because of the path I was going, I was there quicker than I thought. The dream made me how much of a hypocrite I was, and how I was letting my weakness magnify more without even recognizing it. Again, Praise Him for sending a loving sister to bring me back to my senses. As for the other dream, well I will get to that another entry.

Sunday, I went to the DIA with Shauna, Amanda, and Annette. I think the dream I had really sparked me to have that fire bout my faith once again. I mean I haven't been this fired up in awhile. We were discussing in the car ride about the topics of murder, alcoholics, gays etc.....if it is a learned behavior vs. genetics. I feel bad, because I think I was very defensive and passionate bout this. However, we're called to speak of the truth at the same time.

Finally, today it has happened to me as a student teacher. Prior to our field trip to see the Phantom of the Opera, the other 6th grade teacher comes in, Miss S. to talk to me. It was regarding one of the parents who were chaperoning. Well, Miss S gave me the heads up that she is a lesbian, and I almost spit out my coke. Miss S added, that her "partner" was coming along with trip too. I was just like, as long as they ain't doing anything shady, and they already on the other bus, I could careless. But man, first time I ever experienced that which worries me. During the play, the 2 lesbians insisted on putting their child in between them. Which means, man she is just surrounded my freakiness. Like my teacher told me, I need to get scouting reports of the parents as well as my students.

So with all this continued learning, I can only ask of Him to help me lower myself so He can be higher than I, ya know.

OU all the way!!!!! Channel 7, sportscaster talked to me on campus :) So many festivities on campus.

Welcome Back

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