Thursday, July 11, 2002

Thick and thin
From beginning to the end
Never do I lose
All I do is win

It's wierd how exactly at this time last week, I was driving through that never ending state. One thing that I was thinking about is that I'm glad that I'm really flexible with a lot of things in life. Like I can see myself totally living in NYC, because I love all the walking around and riding the subways. Another thing that was cool was enjoying some real bubble tea after all this suffering over here. Also Saturday night, we went out to dinner at Planet Hollywood and it was both our first time being there. So we tried to be sophisticated with the rest of the people eating around us, and we just went crazy ordering different type of drinks. Not your typical coke drink but like cocktail type drinks, and it's great that we were able to get them without the alcohol. It was even sweeter that we enjoyed every drink that we ordered.

Working at ACA today gave me a headache because a lot of these kids are spoiled. In a perfect world, yeah I would love to treat them all equally but some need different types of treatment. One of the kids, Phillip has now cried 3 times these last 2 out of 3 days. Like dude you're going into 4th grade, suck it up because all he keeps complaining about is how something is unfair. The first time was when we were playing a game, to teach the kids about prejudice and discrimination basing the game on income status. The kids who had a triangle are the poor peeps and the ones with the star are the wealthiest. So Phillip is crying because he had a triangle and that he wasn't getting as much money as others, which is the point of the game to show how people get treated differently because of income.

The 2nd time was today when we went back to our garden, and I was playing with these little fuzzy balls that came off this plant and it sticks to your shirt like velcro. So I was throwing them at everyone, but by the time we left, I threw them all away. However Phillip wanted to bring them back to ACA and I told him to get rid of it because dude I can totally see him throwing this stuff in the room. What happens, he cries because he said it's not fair that other kids get to bring back some plants while he can't bring back these little fuzz balls. Then I had to deal with his little sister, Emily who was complaining because Crystal wouldn't play with her and would play with Jessie instead. And she kept complaining about how it's not fair, that Crystal likes Jessie more.

And now the 3rd time of Phillip's crying was at the end of camp. Elaine, Crystal, and I were playing Scooby Doo Monopoly, and so Phillip tried to get his own game of regular monopoly going. He really wanted to play but yet he was complaining that he wanted to play but did not want to set it up. So Elaine made a comment and told him to stop whining, and I followed by asking him why does he like to whine so much. Again he starts to cry because we made those comments, and this time he went to the corner and had his little temper tantrum. And his little sis keeps asking me to tie her shoe, umm hello you can tie it yourself. And she keeps saying like "I'm waiting" or "Come on move it" like who the GG does she think she is, Princess D?

To me obviously is that these two are spoiled like crazy. And I don't know how they are treated at home but when you're in my camp, dude if you act like that then you're gonna get some tough love. To me is that they gotta start realzing that they can't get everything they want. My supervisor talked to me suggesting that maybe I should go a little bit easier on some of them. It's not like I'm trying to run a boot camp, but they have to start realzing this otherwise they are gonna continue to act like this. I'm glad that Elaine and I are on the same page with this. Plus I'm glad that she has as much passion as I do to really teach these kids and not be like just come in and play with them. Tomorrow will be an emotional day for me at work as well because it will be the last time I see my old fav's from last year, Sophia, Wei, and Jennifer with this year's fav's Crystal, Nancy, and Jessie. I'm gonna start praying that I can get some sort of chance to connect to them after tomorrow, to see how they are doing over this summer and build friendships as a counselor/student even deeper and get to know there parents because I really pray that one day they can attend CBC considering most of them are believers.

Are you still down?

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