Wednesday, July 10, 2002

What a rough day at work this morning, because I finally it happened. I was late to work by 10 minutes because I overslept. Actually I would of still made it there on time if it wasn't for these two GG heads who can't drive on 696 that had to hold all the cars up from the 75 exit all the way to Van Dyke. Then by the time I made it out to 75, dude what the GG is with all the traffic? It's because of bonehead drivers that made me late today otherwise I would of made it to work at a new record time.

I took my kids out to the International Institute today and I saw someone who really disliked me from last year. She is one of the peeps who run the II and I remembered last year she reported me to my supervisor because of my inappropriate behavior and my unwillingness to cooperate with her and instead took my kids to do other activities. But dude considering this is an international place and all this talk about unity amongst minorities, this lady today I felt like isolated my kids. And to make sure that it was just me, I asked my fellow counselors and they all said they felt offended by how she treated our kids. She was kind of like singling them out because they are the "chinese kids". Yes they are chinese, but dude you don't see me calling her kids, the african-american kids, I call them by there group's name such as Global Journey.She lucky we were only there for today otherwise I would of layed the same smackdown I did last year. However today after work I got to spend some time with one of my fellow counselors. And she asked me about my faith, and if I was a "hardcore Christian" or more of a Sunday Christian. I'm thankful that I got a chance to share with her my faith and where I stand, and it was cool to listen to what's going on in her spiritual walk. Somethings I was shocked about and hopefully I can be a good witness to her as well. You can bet I'm gonna pray for her too now.

After work I went to my grandparents place, and I stayed there till v-ball. Boy did it bring back memories because my grandparents are now babysitting my cousins Victor and Sonny. I feel bad for Sonny because for his age, he still can't really talk well. I think it is because he hears all sort of languages at home, my aunt would talk to him in Korean, my uncle would hit him up with Cantonese, and my cousin Vic would talk to him in English. Anyways staying at my g-parents place reminded me of how much I was raised in that same place while my parents were working. I'd remember going there early in the morning and seeing my cousins Alan, Wendy, and Fred and we'd all be playing outside. Then I'd bring my SNES and we would all play games. Now a days I always get annoyed with my grandparents because they do a lot of snobbish things sometimes. But I should be thankful that they helped my parents raise me and my sis. Staying there today made me realize how much toy-san (sp?) I forgot and I wish I can remember everything they have taught me. Whoa it's 3 a.m. I guess I better hit the sack if I wanna be at work on time at least.

Hmm let's end it with my saying from this past weekend,
All for you ;Þ

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