Monday, September 16, 2002

Yesterday, was a day of good-byes to people, first of was just waking up early to drive Kin to the airport. It was cool because it was my first time seeing the new terminal, and I must say that it looks really cool. So we parted ways, and I hope he has a safe flight to China. After that, I went straight to Ann Arbor to try to catch the rest of service at Knox. Dude I couldn't find the street that it was on until I drove right by it when Gerald, Viv, and I all went out to lunch at Friday's. After lunch then it was our turn to part ways as they went back to the Windy City. May God look after all 3 of them and bring them back home safely.

The rest of the night was filled with a couple of good phone convo's with one of my many mommy's, a lovin sista, and a great brotha. Cindy always tries to look out for me, as if I was her son, maybe that's why I always call her mommy, but I believe she gave me the right words of encouragement. Then their is SammeeQ or should I say my baby :) I really gotta stop calling her my baby because I know one day one guy will appreciate all her spiritual qualities and I don't think he would take to kind if I called her my baby. Anyways, I'm thankful that Sam and I are close friends, and this weekend made me appreciate it even more. She's one of the most thoughtful girls I know, who always tries her best to look at things from other people's perspective. I'm thankful for these two ladies, to give me strength when I was weak. Then their's my boy Emoy, I'm glad that he is doing better after talking to him last night. And I'm glad that he is in good hands since he believes that his hospital is like the safest one he's ever been too. May God continue to look after Erick and his health.

So some of you who might care whatever happened to that job offer. Well after extensive praying, I called the lady back last night to let her know my decision. And my decision was that I decided to turn it down, so yeah some of you could call me crazy or whatever since it is hard to find a job. How I looked at it was, the cool part about this job was that they would start me off with 6 hours a week. Not much right? But I looked at it was that 6 hours, as study time (when I figure out how to study), praying, serving, or just resting my body. However my ultimate question was how is my relationship with God? And I gotta admit that it isn't great because my QT's have been quite poor. And so if I accepted this job, how can I fit God in my life with this job if I couldn't even do that before this job. I mean this job wasn't even something that fits my major but it was cool to get an offer. So if I truly believe in what God provides then I know He'll provide me something more towards my goal and what I base my success upon, which is teaching and reaching out to kids who don't know Christ or helping them mature in Him. I just thank God for just giving me this opportunity to get an interview. Plus I believe the other candidates are more qualified than I am, but the lady said there was something about me that she still insisted on hiring me. I hope what really made me stick out from the others was because of You.

So now we get to today, and it is only less than 6 hours till I get ready to go lay the smackdown at JFK Middle School for our first v-ball game. I thank Connie for putting this team together and I really hope that we can go all the way. I've put the pressure on myself already to play at a higher level, and since Phil is not a 100%. Now that we have Connie, and Chrissy's friend Leslie, shouldn't the team name be The Young Christian Fellowship and Leslie, and Peter? Oh well, I just hope we all have fun in this league.

Danger At The Door

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