Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Hey is this thing on?
Nobody is telling me just what I wanna do
I'm just so fed up with people telling me to be
Someone else but me

Call me crazy but you gotta love this weather we are having of late. What's been wierd as of this past weekend was that it took me an abnormal hour and a half to get home from work. As I was driving home at night everything was pitch dark due to power outages. Also the restaurant has been getting crazily busy with everyone in Lapeer losing power that it the weight for a lot of people's food had to be within a good hour to an hour and a half wait. Of course some people were getting pissed with the amount of time it took but it's like dude keep complaining and I just want to ask them, uhh let's see you do better when you are out of cooked rice, egg rolls, sweet and sour chicken, and as usual ABC. It got to the point where my mommy didn't even bother taking calls anymore. What is worst for my parents is that they still don't have power at their house. So without heat, and electricity what have they been doing? Well they have been sleeping at the restaurant and will keep doing so till they get power back at their place which is not till Wednesday supposedly.

What sucked yesterday was that OU decided to close school after I get out of my class. Although I was only in class for about an hour since their was only like 10 ten of us there. Also I saw Crossroads last night for first time and I gotta admit it was a fairly decent movie. However Melanie is saying that it was a horrible movie. The movie made me think of when I got my diploma and asked the same question Britney did, which was where do I go from here? I love to drive around to new places because it helps me reflect upon my life and what lies ahead of it. Also I had thought of how the trip to Chicago was this year, and seeing how the 3 girls bonded made me think of just seeing us guys of CBC drawing a closer bond with one another. If you haven't seen Crossroads then you should see it.


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