Monday, April 28, 2003

Well after yet another frustrating day of not being able to do anything athleticly. I went to Beaumont for what I was hoping one last time. I came in and saw the specialist, he gave me his opinions of what he read on my MRI. So how did it all go down? Well my MRI shoes that I do have a large tear in my lateral meniscus which would require surgery to take care of whether now or in the future. However, the doc ran some individual tests on my knee, and he was amazed at how fast I have been healing. So with that he said "It's amazing at how fast you've healed, so go back to your normal activities, and I'll see you in a month to see how things are and if it is all good, then odds are no surgery". Yeah baby, that's what I want to hear, thank you, God for always blessing me with the ability to quickly heal. Ever since I was little, I always knew I had it in me that I could heal faster. Also everytime I have gone to the doctor's at some hospital, the doc has always commented on how fast I have healed. Example, was when my sis and I both had the chicken pox at the same time. She was out of school for 3 weeks at least, while me on the other hand only a day or two. I look forward to doing the rehab sessions that the doc gave me because finally I can start pushing myself to get back into shape after a week of feeling like a potato. On the downside though, I'll need to wear this knee sleeve thing but depending how things go I might drop this notion too. So who wants to ball?

After the doc's I went to OU to find out my grade in dreaded MTE. I kept thinking ok, all I need is a 90 or better out of 200 to pass the class with a 2.0 So I look the door to see my exam grade and what did I get, an 85! So I'm thinking oh great, however thanks to the curve I still passed the class with a 2.0 Gosh I was cutting it a little close, maybe I should of spent more then 15 minutes of studying in this area. Oh well, their is a saying at OU which is "If you can pass any OU math course with a 2.0 or better on your first attempt then you are a math genius." I mean you have so many people retaking calc here at OU for their 3rd or 4th time, yup you better believe math here is hard, as much as I hate to admit it. Anyways praise God for His grace of the little curve, plus it was a good thing I did the extra credit too. Ok, who wants to ball?

Get Busy

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