Thursday, April 10, 2003

Why is that we always complain about petty stuff or things that benefit us? I know I do that a lot at least, and I gotta agree with Big Nasty about what our ancestors went through just for us to be where we are today. The past few days, God has put in my mind a bigger role of outreach. I talk to a lot of people on campus about salvation and who Jesus is, because I do it alot to help prolong my attempts of doing homework. However, Kelly's Bible Study really spoke to me about missed opportunities or that I don't want to be that rich guy either. I've been praying about this a lot for the past few days to see what it is that God wants me to share this Sunday in front of the whole congregation. Also I want my heart to be pure in doing this because if I did this and it made me feel good that is totally the wrong reason. Often times people think serving is all about making them feel good or even worst look good, this is where I want to make sure that I am no where near that. God has used me in a lot of ways these past few months and I feel like I haven't been giving him enough praise for all the things He has done for me, gosh I'm such a sinner! And last night I had a long talk with a man who God placed in my life before I even accepted Christ to really be thankful in how much he has done for me as well.

Yet today, I kept getting frustrated because of the no love policy I get from some peeps. It's like I put in a lot of effort to helping everyone out in my classes but none of it comes back to me when I need help. That's why integrity is one of the most important things to me as a teacher and as a Christian. And I keep thinking back about what Chrissy shared from James even though gosh dang it, I thought part of that passage was in Proverbs, but I need to make sure that I keep my emotions in check. On the bright side of things though, I'm happy that I got my student teaching evaluations back yesterday. My teacher, gave me the highest scores you could get on these things so I was excited because I felt like I didn't do a good enough job when I was student teaching. Anyways, it's time to get some work done again.


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