Thursday, April 24, 2003

Yes, I can say now that Finally The Great One has finished yet with another semester. Gosh dang that MTE final was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Maybe I should of put in more than 15 minutes worth of studying into it. So as I sat in class aimlessly trying to figure out how I am gonna BS my way through like a handful of math problems, I decided to try and figure what I need to pass this class. I need at least 90 out of 200 points in this class to pass the course with a straight up 2.0 Oh man, I hope I get enough partial credit to get through this final, otherwise I'm gonna be in this course again :( I should of never decided to sleep and studied. The choices we make in life I tell ya.

On the brighter side of things, I got my EED grade back already, and yes I'm a little pissed about that grade too. Yeah, I got I was a 3.6 but hoping for a 3.9 but my prof has enough courage to write on my portfolio to tell me to go to the ASC. What's up with that! I poured my fricking time into this class and she tells me that, man I ought to tell her that she needs to know her role next time and that she better check herself before she wrecks herself. Anyways, a 3.6 and a 3.7 and hopefully a 2.0 I would consider this a pretty good semester considering all the goofing off I did during class.

And now it is time to pick up my MRI, anyone knows how to read this so I don't have to wait till Monday to find out my destiny? Also lately, I gotta say that the 5:14 has been really encouraging to me because of how it is growing. It's also lead me to challenge myself even harder to make sure that I grow spiritually and that the group does too, otherwise we're just another social club. Also now I'm in this Gladiator mood probably because I just borrowed the cd from llz. But dang it, I feel like I'm on this mission to lay the smackdown on this road to recovery.


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