Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Wow what a good combo I got going on over here. I haven't slept since Sunday night due to the dumb portfolio and it is boiling in the ED building. As finally the semester comes to an end, yesterday I decided to let out some of my frustration at people in SCS. So what were the convo's like yesterday during SCS? Usually I am the loud obnoxious one but yet I keep the class entertained. Well I did my best to avoid people who were annoying me or in this case sucking the life out of me. Here's how it went with some people.....

Prof: I'm handing out a fun activity to do
J: Oh is this the activity with the pumpkin?
Me: No, this is the activity where I let out flying helicopter kicks to all y'all who are bothering me
Class: Laughing

Another good convo during SCS,

M: Hey Ke..
Me: burp
M: can you....
Me: burp
M: stop...
Me: burp
M: will you...
Me: burp, oooooooh shut your mouth now

3rd convo......

A: Gosh I hate the lady
M: Oh yeah I agree
Me: Why y'all gotta be hating on her
A: Because she's always talking about how good her stuff is
K: Yeah she sucks up
A: Gosh I can't stand her
Me: Alright, A, you need to shut up and stop hating on her, while you're at it get a new jersey
Class: Laughing

4th convo,

Prof: I'm passing out the Bird in the cage activity
Me: (reaching over to grab it from M because she is trying to update her own work while some of us are getting screwed by not being able to see it)
M: Hey don't touch my stuff
Me: Well dang, maybe I wouldn't if you'd pass this (about to give her the number 1 signal) bird down to some of us
M: Well I'm just a little stressed over trying to keep up with my stuff
Me: Alright just keep being selfish
Class: Oooooooooh, laughing

Yup, I had a very good communication day with some of the people in my SCS class. I don't know if I have the right to or not, but dude I'm tired of some of the people in there and it's just time for me to put them in their place. Like I got one person talking to my boy Eric, about the types of alcholic drinks and I am wondering why are you even talking about it when you don't even touch this stuff? Does this make you feel cool so you're talking about alchol, what the G happened to your faith about being a good Catholic girl? I'm sick of the fake people in this class.

On the positive though, B and I had a funny convo about sex since massages don't cut it. and congrats to you too Kelly on your engagement. Dang you're only 21 too with a nice big rock on your hand. Also did I miss some sort of engagement party or something because this makes it like 4 people I know now who have been proposed to this week. Anyways, I'm just glad this semester is almost over because I can't take being with some of these peeps who I thought were amigos to me, instead it just felt like they were wearing the ya know out of me. What a touchin moment we had though after EED with Sarah, Melissa, Julia, Angela, and myself. I'm gonna miss them and Melissa never underestimate the heart of a champion, Go Wings! Angela if you have SARS thatyou keep sneezing all over me then I will kill you before your plague kills me :)

Point of Authority

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