Monday, May 31, 2004

Finally, the CBC 50th Anniversary Celebration weekend is over. Of course the pluses to this weekend was seeing the pioneers of CBC. Watching the VCD put tears in my eyes. It was a great experience to seeing all the people God had put and used to build His church. Although, I wish some people that meant a lot to me would of came back for this event, but it's all good, all in His timing. It was a crazy weekend nonetheless, with many events afterwards such as Texas @ Big Nasty's, BBQ @ Ben's, and Pistons game @ my place. With that, it was even draining in all sorts of ways. I feel as if I need another weekend to recover from this weekend. Man valet parking @ CBC ya gotta love it, despite those haters who kept knockin on their spots.

So now, as the Pistons would say, it's time to go to work. I need to try to get my schedule back to normal and finish out the semester strong.

5 more W's til a Pistons Championship

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