Friday, June 03, 2005

Delfino - Come on Pistons! Anyways, so I've been thinkin bout my recent injury as if I have anything else to do. Some may say that I am coming back from it too quickly while others agree too saying that I need to shut it down for a good time. So it comes down to is timing, when is it right to come back? I believe the longer I sit out, the more I just let my injury manifest itself mentally so it just starts to develop some fear in playing. If I keep sitting out then, it's like well when will I know I am ready to play? Ya know that fear will just keep lingering in my head, it's like I need bubble wrap to protect me.

Now, I can't be stupid either by just rushing into playing. I think I know my own body by now to know what I can and can't do. Ya just gotta come back in moderations so your body can slowly ease back into it. Like Shaq when he sat out towards the end of the season, he came back. Coach VG didn't let him play the whole 48 minutes, but more like a 20-25 minutes just to get back into things. There is always that risk of gettin hurt whether a person is 100% or 10%, but it's the chance we take. Coming back from an injury, I know I'll need to watch my playing time, because I don't want to be no Carlos Defino.

Well the good part is, I'm done with the crtuches for short distance walking. My leg is almost straight now, but the knee kind of bulges out. I've been tryin to force the rest of it back to normal, and I think it has caused some swelling and soreness. I just gotta remember now to pace myself and let it heal. The goal is to get ready for Monday night, even if it means I am relegated to peppering.


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