Thursday, February 16, 2006

Rockford Peaches - So I don't know how I keep gaining these jobs, but I am now a girl's v-ball coach. I was excited at first because I thought it was like jr. high girls, but nope I got the 5th grade girls who are all beginners. I told them that I was gonna push them as hard as if I wanted to be pushed to play/learn the game. I just hope next week when I do drills with them that I have no crying because there's no crying in v-ball. Gosh I feel like Tom Hanks from A League of Their Own. I can't wait to see who I make to do push-ups, and suicides. Coach K, it's gotta ring to it :)

Last regular game of the season and tied for 2nd playin against the team we tied with. You would figure everyone on my team would be there for this. But nope not the case, we had one girl who decides to be a no show without tellin anyone, and another girl who shows up but leaves at game time because she had other plans. So we go at it 4 against 6, and we lost all the games within 4 points. Technically, I'm not supposed to be playin after the Doc evaluated me. Apparently, I have sprained all the tendons surrounding my rotator cuff so I have probs liftin my arm up.

However, that ain't gonna stop me because it's bout the playoffs now. Just patch up my shoulder with ICY Hot and I'm ready to go. Everyone was surprised how much I was jump servin, but I wanted my team to stay in the game. What pisses me off is my t'mate B, as he gave the other team the cold shoulder when we shook hands. It gives the team a black eye in sportsmanship, and I don't like it and I apologized to the other team for it. Oh for sure I need to evaluate my status with this team once we're done.


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