Friday, June 09, 2006

Now you see this, remember what it looks like.

I really like the peaceful sounds you hear, it is just so relaxin.

Wings - So I haven't really slept yet because this morning my daddy and I went down to St. John's. It kinda brought back memories when we use to go down to Henry Ford bout 12 years ago when my G-Ma suffered from a few strokes. All those countless hours sitting in the Waiting Room waiting for results. I was quite displease to hear the Doc's results because it's stuff I knew already. I wanna know, is it cancer or what? I can't wait for the transfer to Beaumont.

I'm gettin somewhat closer to finishin my Portfolio too! As soon as I get up, I'm gonna begin the quest for passin out my resumes to schools. I'm really nervous because I never done this before. In the past, I've always been blessed with a job on the spot. This is one of the first times that I need to go seek it out.

Well, there's gotta be something with me and the month of June. I thought I should be glad that I'm out of the gray but it's not. Eh, gotta look ahead to the Asian B-ball Tournament, come on now $1000 for 1st.

Go Heat!

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