Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Never gonna stop me
Never gonna stop..........

What a disappointing night last night. First off my Bible Study got cancelled and so I figured that would me I got more time to work on my theatre paper. So here I am busting out my paper and I'm a little tired so I'm like yeah, let's take a nap. Boom wake up and it's fricking 7 a.m. and the paper is due at 10 p.m. So of course I busted my booty to get this thing done. And finally I skipped a class this semester as well. I ended up skipping my Lit class yesterday to go to Tom's and pick up my newest toy and we got to just chill and talk for a little bit. Then I went to Rich's to go see little Audrey, even though I still like Princess. And man do I love my parents, they just went to Toronto again yesterday and brought home mad delicious food. But man that is the 3rd time in 5 weeks that they've been going to Toronto. Most importantly without me :( Dang it!

Well tonight is v-ball night but before that I am looking forward ot eating dinner with my boyz, E-Moy, llz, and P Dogg. And yes my shoulder is feeling a lot better. I rotated it to see what I can and can't do tonight. I know one thing, I can not do a back set without it being pain free but that shouldn't matter too much cause I can't set either way. But setting normally is ok just back setting was a killer. So I guess I'll see tonight in what I can and can't do.

Get The Tables

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