Monday, April 15, 2002

Step off
I'll let you live a little bit
With the pain that I bring
Ya know it's only the beginning

Wow this weekend seemed like it had a nice age theme to it. And after just finishing the my weekend recordings of Boy Meets World I had some time to reflect on what they were talking about. I am gonna sad that they are moving on to the newer series now because that means old cast members on not on the show anymore such as parents, Mr. Turner, Mr. Williams, and Morgan. And so I never thought I'd enjoy the show as much but actually I learned a lot today or made me reflect on my Senior year in high school since it is Cory, Shawn, and Topanga's Senior year. Shawn was trying to skip high school because it's pointless to learn anymore and just go to college for a girl instead. I probably did the exact same thing, like throughout senior year I'd always skip class and give my usualy football players need rest excuse. Or I'd just fall asleep in class because hey who needs grades when I got my popularity as one of the best athetes in school to maintain. And finally I met my Mr. Feeny (Boy Meets World) who challenged me in class. Her name was Mrs. Rheinstein and she taught U.S. History a requirement which seniors need to graduate. So first semester, I'm skipping this class left and right because it's my last class before football practice. However once football ended, my grade in the class was an F and with over 10 absences I think the final count was 21 not too sure. And she kept telling me how important it is to do well in this class because she isn't giving no free rides to seniors. So I had to retake this class, my first time in history that I ever failed a class and had to repeat the 2nd sem. I took her talk as a challenge and responded by passing the class with a B.

So that lead to yesterday which was crazy because after church, D-Ship went out for bowling. It was fun, and I had a good time. But dang it, Chrissy is still just a little better than me and wow Bernard's got some mad game as well. After that, I went apartment shopping for Vickie and looked at a couple of nice ones. This one Korean chick told me to follow her car to show me one of the models of the apt. So I'm following her car and boom this one Aztek just nailed backing out. What impresses is that these Azteks are built like a tank. So I wasted time to sit there and talk to the officer since I was a witness and then continue to look at more apts. I'd say I lost about 40 min right there but hey got to enjoy the weather while sitting outside talking to the boys in blue. After that, go play b-ball at lovely Warrner Park. It's nice to go back to my area of playground ball and where I developed my skills. This place was a place of high school memories for me because I'd always go here and play ball everyday after school. And it was nice to see my old friend Dan and see how he's doing.

This lead me to make another reflection about my high school past. My senior year, me and Dan were really close on and off the court. He was a decent player back then and we complimented each other well. Off the court we'd hang out. On the court, we had our famous tag team called Hill and Mills. Which stood for Grant Hill and Terry Mills, and I was Grant while he was Terry. People always knew that it was me who carried the team, kind of like the Batman and Robin thing. But towards the end of our senior year, our friendship took a hit and the same went for b-ball. Because he was tired of playing under my shadow and decided to take his game to a new level. We've resolved our differences but I often miss the times we've hung out. Now he's a better b-ball player than he was back then but he's a smoker and drinker while I've gotten better at b-ball as well but I have God with me as well. It's wierd how times have changed back then.

Again going with this whole age thing, me and JW were on the phone the other night talking about everyone graduating. It was a great convo we had, where we talked for like more than an hour and all I know was that we ended at 3 a.m. And last night, me and Alan were talking about how so many people seemed like they are moving on with their lives. And it's wierd how even someone like Sewa was talking about how she feels old now. And tonight is my grandpa's 76th b-day and my mom wants to throw a little party for him at my house. I told her that I had Bible Study to go to but I could tell it meant a lot to her if I stayed. Because after all my grandpa took care of me when I was little. But to me it just seems like time is moving so fast to everyone except me. Like I feel like time has stood still for me. Even just the other day at work, some regular customer that came in thought that I was still in high school and she thought I was a junior still. Man no wonder I'm dubbed as The Kid. I'm glad though to see all my friends moving on to bigger and better things, and pray that God continues to bless them.

Well I guess that it's it from me. After figuring out what's wrong with my knee, which is a hyperextension. So I can't take it anymore just sitting at home and resting! I'm going out to workout for a little before class. Boy was this a long blog!

Serial Thrilla

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