Thursday, May 30, 2002

2 trailer park girls go around the outside,
guess who's back?

You know what one of the best songs has to be right now is Eminem's "Without Me". Anyways, so today I missed class again for the whopping 4th time due to case of oversleeping. The night before I was freaking out because I had my 2nd exam. And I couldn't afford to oversleep another exam again after missing the first one. So that night I was cramming for that exam and I tried to pull an all nighter because I did not want to sleep and then forget to wake up for it. So around 5 a.m. I fell asleep, however since last time I slept through 4 alarms, I decided to come up with a better idea. I ran to my sister's room to grab her alarm clock, so that would 5 alarm clocks all set up around the perimeter of my bed. Plus Melissa called at 7 to wake me up too, ahhh gotta love it. Unfortunately for today, it did not work, however tomorrow morning is a new day. Queenie has offered to wake me up in the whee hours of morning so that I can not miss class. It works out wake me up for class and feed Audrey in the morning :)

Last night was also a great time in v-ball, although I did not play that many games. It was just fun playing with the peeps on my team and meeting a new guy who can play some good ball. It was fun because as much as I like to play a simple offense, it was great to play 6-2 and 5-1 to get the games exciting. Plus I got to scout one of the teams that will be playing this Saturday. I still don't like how people think that my team is supposedly the strongest. What has my team done that has earned that title? Like wow just because me, Phil, and Lindsay are on the same team doesn't exactly make my team the strongest. Yes we have 3 great players but they don't know who else is on my team. The other 3 could be some jabroni I picked off the street, but they're not. It will be fun though to reunite and play with Nick and getting to play with Allison too though. This Saturday will be fun to meet new people who love to play v-ball.

Also I finally found someone to be able to do cornrows for my hair. My friend Kim says that she can do it, however she can not do it this Friday for that she is meeting a new guy. Dang it! I say because I wanted it done for the tournament on Saturday, so I guess I gotta go with something different. But at least I know that she can do this in the future for me. Ok time to hit the sack so I don't oversleep for class again.

Move Your Body

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