Thursday, May 02, 2002

Oh my chicken, this waking up at 6 or 7 in the morning thing is killing me. Yesterday I went to my first day of class and I was thinking hmmm class is cancelled since 10-15 of us were just sitting there with no teach. So I'm walking out to the parking lot and I see Melissa's car and it makes me go hmmm. Because we signed up for the same course yet she was not in there with me. So I go home to call her at 10 to find out that we did have class and that the room was switched. I'm like what the GG, don't even post a sign on the door or anything. So today I went to the right classroom and already my prof is making fun of me because I seem like the class clown of the group already. Anyways this prof seems really cool and funny, and I'm glad that I got Melissa in there so we can study together. But the cool thing now is we plan on working out together after class so this should be a better spring semester for me than last year's. Also is it just me, or has my luck just really suck lately. Here are my bad lucks of the week:

1) Cut my finger open.
2) Lose a nail.
3) Fight with my dad.
4) Time is running out with something personal.
5) Lose the v-ball tournament.
6) Play bad on Tuesday night.
7) Fight with my sis.
8) Go to the wrong classroom.
9) Dude they cancelled the Spanish Omellete Bagel Meal at McDonald's :(

What else can go wrong today? I'm not gonna go up to MSU as planned since everyone seems busy still so I don't want to take up their time either. I wonder if anyone wants to go to tonight's Piston's game? Knowing my luck they will lose because of me. So sad isn't it?

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