Monday, May 20, 2002

What a long weekend it was then again it seemed like all of last week was long. On Saturday, I went good about myself because I got to CBC 10 min before b-ball actually started. Yeah go me! Anyways, so I'm there just doing my thang on the court. I know it's an outreach and all but when someone talks trash to me, oh you can bet the game is personal to me. So I've got some chump talking trash to me when the score was 13-7 in favor of my opposition and the game goes up to 15. He said what he wanted to say to me so I did what what I had to do, which was take over the game score 8 straight points two 3 pointers and a reverse lay up, and just looked at him and said "next". Some people just gotta learn the hard way.

Well I saw Star Wars last night with my boy J-Dub. And we had a great time watching the movie, and I understood what another friend John was finally talking about when he described Star Wars to CBC. A couple of years ago, he shared with me his testimony saying that the Jedi counsel is just like the CBC Board. Lately I've been struggling my own personal probs in patience and self-control. And it was wierd how Sunday School talked about self-control and after everybody was gone, one of the board members talked to me about growing and maturing. I couldn't remember what his exact words were but basically talked about that I am still young and that I have a lot more to learn in what God is trying to teach me. I guess after the movie, I reflected more on the what he shared with me, and I envisioned him as Master Yoda and myself as Annakin, has the skills to do things but sometimes get a little too arrogant in my spiritual gifts God has blessed me with. One thing for sure is that Yoda kicked some serious booty at the end. And man I wish I was over there in Hollywood because the girl who plays Senator Omadla was on Letterman Saturday night. And she said she is only 20, and single, dang it!!! Oh well she not asian so that's a downer, and probably not athletic :(

Against All Odds

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