Sunday, May 12, 2002

Ok, so it's like 2:00 a.m. now and my sis is still probably in Windsor. I'm wondering how many times can you go to Windsor till you get sick of it. Especially with her friends, I admit some of them are cool, on the other hand some of the girls are like dumb as bricks and the guys are just plain gay sometimes. And umm if she was smart enough to be home sleeping right now it would be better for her since I have no clue how she plans on mustering up enough energy to leave the house by 12 p.m. to drive straight to Myrtle Beach. My sister's friend's stupidity and gayness must be contagious.

And since last night I was talking about school education or lack of in Lapeer. Again I had to answer another annoying question which is "uhh what's the next size after pint" So in my mind I'm thinking hmmm a gallon, I wonder if they can tell the difference. So going back to the education thing, today I guess I'll talk about driver's education. It amazes me how people who drive slow, drive in the left lane. Like hello!!! the left lane is the fast lane for fast drivers, gosh that is like Driver's Ed 101 right there. And today, I'm driving to Mickey D's to have some lunch with my bro, Ben. And this jeep is infront of me on 10 mile so I'm cruising right behind it and I got my music pumping. So it's a red light at Telegraph so I had my head down to stretch my neck, and I look up and I see the the driver in the jeep. It was an African American lady sticking her head out and yelling at me. I'm like first off I can't hear a word you're saying, 2nd off I didn't do anything to you. So we make the turn on to Telegraph and I'm thinking if I didn't go to Mickey D's with B then I'd totally race you hoe for whatever you were saying at me. So I drove past her, and looked at her. She and her passenger both give me the I'm number 1 salute, so what do I do. I wave hi to her and attempted to blow her a kiss as well. I'm still left scratching my headon what I did to her that pissed her off. And I'm sorry Lord for doing and saying what I did to her, and as you can tell road rage is a weakness of mine.

Break Ya Neck

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