Friday, November 05, 2004

Bush Ramifications - Today in FE 210, we were discussing bout a book we are suppose to be reading and how it relates to the world. As discussions continued, it started getting political hot & heavy too. After the first 5 minutes, you can tell who voted for who a battle line was drawn out between Bush vs. Kerry. The discussion turned into bickering amongst each other and the 4 silents ones (Monica, Sarah, Nicole, and myself). I only kept my mouth shut because I haven't been to class in a week now. Anyways, we started talking bout homesexuality and are people born gay or is it by choice. Prof. Pipan said that it is fact that people are born gay, and to me that was a bold statement to make. Granted that I do not have all the facts either, while the motherlover Michelle was arguing that it is by choice. Many people slammed Michelle hard because she was trying to bring in her beliefs and at the same time she is recognized as ignorant too. In the end, my prof shut her up so bad that Michelle got up and just stormed out of class. Michelle is a sister in Christ, and I know as the crew knows it is up to me to figure out how to restore peace in the classroom. If only I had more facts to back up Michelle at that time.

In other news, Howard may be done for the year :( We won 4 out of 5 games tonight in the Warren league, man I'm glad that I finally get to run a quicker offense. All I got to do was hit shooters the whole night. This league is great because of some of the Open v-ball players playing here. It sucks though to possibly think that Howie is done for the year, I feel as if through this league together he can still teach me so much more. I put the pressure on myself to pick it up with our top passer/setter gone.

Hmmm time to watch Survivor!

Tic Toc

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