Friday, January 06, 2006

Purple Cobras - Well I just got done watchin National Lampoon's Going The Distance, which was pretty freakin funny. Although it does not beat Eurotrip and I for sure would not recommend this to the too mature crowd. However, this movie only motivated me more by doing a road trip. In this movie, they went from Vancouver to Toronto!

Tonight we had our first OU IM meeting of 2K6. To end our meeting we played a few games of Dodgeball! Man I can't wait til the Dodgeball league starts up. The suck part was workin out so hard before we played. I threw so hard on one occasion that I know for sure I pulled a muscle. I torqued it or something, in the lower right region of my back. It came from the follow through of my throw. Another night of ice packs to prepare the bod for the battles ahead.

Lastly, maybe it's my fault that I didn't train Tim well enough over the summer in v-ball. I was hoping he would win last semester so I knew I stepped away from OU v-ball at the right time. However, he wasn't strong enough to get past Dimitri's team and it's time to make a return. The debut of possibly my strongest team created if all goes well, 6-Pacalypse.


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