Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sentinels - In the span of 2 days now, I have a pulled tricep muscle, bruised/swollen orbital bone, and a jammed thumb. What luck I must be having. None the less, I went down to C-Line to ball with some of my old high school running mates. I haven't seen some of them in a couple of years so I had something to prove. I think I did by showing them that I am still one of the top players. For them, I kept tellin them again which separates me from them is conditioning, and health care.

The hard part was after the night was over, was to hear from the past. I had received a message from Yuriko for example, and I was told that they make a return. It is easy for them to leave a nice message to me. It's easy when the knife wasn't stuck in your back to say nice stuff. I hope they remember who left who 7 years ago. Things have changed, and I am stronger than I was before I left them. However do I want to deal with it? If so, how? Love my enemies, seems easy but at the same time I still want to avenge a friend. I have an exact location now, and with some vacation time that I have do I make a trip to an unknown area. The element of surprise? I gotta face this alone.


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