Monday, May 19, 2003

I wonder what is the true definition of insominia? For the past week now, I've been going on at most 4 hours of sleep a night. Am I still functioning properly each day, I would say for the most part. This past weekend, all I did was watch and record my CCUC 2K2 video from last year. After finishing, I had at least a page worth of notes of strengths and weaknesses of certain individual players. I love disecting game tape, rewind, play, rewind, play it is just all too interesting. I was watching our Finals game and I know for a fact that I never stated this but I believe the Finals MVP goes to Jason. He was just killing everything in sight! I loved my battle against Bao's team, because it had some good ol' trash talking with some in your face v-ball action.

I was listening to part of the sermon today, well part because I had to usher at the same time as well. GP B made an interesting point about the gift of singleness. He talked about why some people choose to stay single and it caught my attention. I keep wondering if I have that gift, but to me it's like I like to be single and I'd rather be alone. I mean I like to live alone, because I can do whatever I want whenever I want, stay up, make noise, etc. I don't know, I mean I look as if I was hooked up, then it would like hinder me from focusing on say things like the 5:14, school, working out, or even studying v-ball tape. But maybe it is like GP B said, maybe I too need to re-examine my walk in that area. Oh well, don't want to get caught up in focusing on this right ;)

The Way You Make Me Feel

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