Thursday, May 01, 2003

For the past 48 hours or so, I've had some time just driving around and reflecting. Reflecting about what though? Well for this first part, you can say that the Breadstick has inspired me to think about X-Men 2. Actually first I should put some sort of Islander watch out to see how times he reads this ;) Back in the day when, the real X-Men cartoon came out, my sis and I would watch it and we'd always pretend we were our favorite X-Men. She would always be Rogue because their both the southern gal and I would always be Wolverine. Why did I choose Wolverine though, I mean just about everyone loves him because he was just the mutant who kicks everyone's butt. However, I liked him because I felt like I could always relate to his situations. I always knew that I could heal pretty fast, but it's our past that seems to be linked. As much as I still want to forget it, it's just a part of me.

I'll just start during my high school years, which was for the most part da bomb. I mean I had my own crew, with some could say my own Yuriko and Mr. Creed, I think his first name is Hadan or John is it? Mr. Creed and I had our own enemy in a sense of Omega Red, boy this is fun coming up names for these guys. Then that day came, we accepted Omega as a close friend. Now if you know your X-Men, you know this is a no no. As days past, the group was changing, and you can say a Silver Fox got in the way of Mr. Creed and I. Next thing you know, Mr. Creed and Omega have joined alliances, and all I had left was Yuriko, but even her had changed. She became Lady DeathStrike, so I chose to leave still filled with rage. I damaged Omega's car, gosh that was fun, it cost him a bundle to replace that thing. If their was anything that was a bigger weakness of mine was my impatience and temper, lack of obeying orders, and violent ways of solving things.

So I left, I left to go up north, and join a new group, the Canadian Mutant task force or whatever they were called. I joined the Cardinal group, with new friends, a new beginning in life. However, that only last so long as if I felt I was insignificant and only played myself out of where ever I was put in. I chose to leave again, in search of my own peace. Until He came into my life, you can say God is my own Prof. X. He taught me how to suppress my rage, and still working with me in patience. He gave me a purpose and a meaning in life. He provided the CBC family, which would be the X-Men. He is our God, and He just continues to provide, seeking and helping those who are lost in their way. Sorry to those if any actually understood just what the G I was talking about, but this is between God and I :) and I just say praise God for what He has provided.

In other news today, I've been thinking back about what GP B said this past Sunday about flirting and how it is a sin. Now some peeps say that I am a flirt but I always thought of how I am is just trying to be a gentlemen. But God answered yet another prayer of mine that I had on Sunday which was in what other ways can flirting be a sin, other than talking? And He provided the answer in terms of, just how our body language is with the opposite sex. Here I'm thinking geeez if a leader is flirting then it is like double the sin if there is such a thing because after all sin's a sin. It just helps me remind myself how I need to more controlled when I talk and in my actions to the opposite sex. Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing X-Men 2 tonight and going to the retreat this weekend. It will be a nice time to get away and reflect upon other things. Also in terms of dedication to the X-Men, I've been watching non-stop X-Men cartoons this whole week.


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