Thursday, May 29, 2003

What was funny today was how Prof. C asked how much sleep do I get? I responded with an average of 4 hours, so he wondered why? Simply put, life is too short for me to sleep these days, and it just seems like every night it gets harder to try to get some peacefull rest.

Tonight we celebrated our famous McDonald's President, so I just want to say happy b-day to Kelly. Well it's kind of over now but eh one more shout out doesn't hurt. I can't believe she is only 23 now, only a year older than me, yet we are at different stages in our lives. I did some more driving around today before 5:14 to ponder just exactly what stage of my life I am in. I felt so at peace just sitting outside on their patio and meditating trying to discern some of the things that is happening.

I just got another checkup from my own team of physicians. Brother Steve, says I look pretty good now and no more ice, and the swelling has completely disappeared. Again, I give all my praises to God for my ability to heal quickly. Gosh I can't wait to go to the doc's this Monday and show him that not only did I heal from it, but I healed from it twice. I want to be able to pull off the impossible here. Man I just want to work out tomorrow to take out my frustrations that's been going on, however I can't be naive and be patient to wait for another evaluation.


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