Monday, July 14, 2003

What a weekend it was out in Spring Arbor University. It was a weekend filled with all sorts of feelings. At first, I wish this retreat was a weekend later because it's like I just got back from NY and I wish I had time to still reflect on that trip. One thing about Spring Arbor University is that it just means so much to me personally. It was only in the summer of 99 where I went to my first CBC function as a non-believer. I still remember to this day what I did and majority of the things that happened. It was also the very first time I got a chance to know God from an outside perspective.

Friday, I picked up my OCC girls and it was a nice to just talk in the car along the way there. It really encouraged me to hear and discuss different Biblical issues with them and just to hear how spiritually sound they are. The shocker to me on Friday nite, was walking around campus at 12:30 a.m. to only see that people have gone back to their rooms already.

I was really hung up over just how fast everyone went to bed this past weekend. It sucked in a way because it seemed like this could be the end of all those all niters some of us pull during the retreat. However, seeing everyone go to bed early wasn't bad either because it is also a sign of maturity and shows how some of us are actually getting older.

Now, for me personally, my times of going to bed were at 3 and 4 a.m. Someone was asking me how do I do it, to be the last one to sleep yet still function the next day without a nap either. My question for myself is how much longer can I keep up with a 4 hour sleep schedule.

Saturday I was really in a roller coaster of feelings for the day. First, I was down to see the amount of participation for the CBC Amazing Race, after some of us spent hours putting this game together. But it was encouraging to see those who did participate really get into it. Seeing a lot of the adults running to each station showed just how eager they were to play.

Then came the evening, where something happened and I took it as a reflection on my own part. It was tough because I kept wondering did our fellowship really fellowship? Yeah we had great times of playing cards, hanging out, and serving Him. I just kept thinking about Ecc. 3 that their is a time for everything.

So I walked around campus for a little bit just trying to see what God is trying to say to me. Then it felt like it was my lowest point of how I felt at the retreat. Then like a beacon of light, God sent Kim to talk to me. Within a minute, I was at my highest point of the retreat and I was just speechless. Kim was sharing with me just how God totally used me to play a big part in how someone accepted Christ today because of how God used me. At first, I thought Kim was just saying something to encourage me, but she named a few things. She said that because of the things of how God used me, another person is going to heaven. I was just speechless to think of how God could of used me. Just by serving Him was a light for someone to accept Christ. I often place big expectations on myself, but God continues to show that His expectations are bigger than mine. Did that make sense? Again, it is still a speechless moment for me and my highlight personally of the retreat.

I also can't believe I understood the Friday evening message without english translation. I totally felt the Holy Spirit just speaking to me in cantonese and understanding what Rev. Johnny was saying. God blessed us with a great speaker in things that I never thought about.

All in all, I did have a great time in meeting new people as well. I met Jackie, and I was inspired by her love for kids and just how much she loves serving God through CEF. It was fun racing back with all the OCC girls sleeping. Well Liz was awake after seeing the speedometer reach my newest high in this car, at 108 mph. It was fun though in getting to know the OCC peeps better and I appreciate their service for the Lord.

Rhythm Nation

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