Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Wow to my surprise V has made my site with links on it now. So I don't have to cruise everyone's down on Sewa and other's list. Then again I'm still missing some so V, I need some help with that too. I'm also excited now that I have a blog heckler too. I'm so flattered that I left a nice parting shot on his blog. It's like I said the other night, it's people like him who probably got abused in high school and now in front of a computer thinks they are a tough guy. I got no shame in my game and I left an open invitation for him. Death comes to us all heckler so let's see what you got.

James 1 talks about being excited through our trials. My knee is recovering slowly as I am getting closer to straightening it out. I just want to get back on the court asap and it's funny how I take the simple thing like walking for granted. The plus side though is I have spent more time doing my QT's and praying more. Sarah just called me to tell me she ain't going to Jap due to the flu. So I'm gonna have to limp my way to class to take notes with Beth and Alisha.

Yesterday, I got a nice kick in my leg too from Danielle as she thought I was faking my injury. Thanks D, I needed that while I had Carl just put his head down after that. Well at least I got the whole class believing that it was Carl who flagrant fouled me which led to my injury.


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