Tuesday, August 13, 2002

A quick recap of this past weekend starting with the CBC Fun At The Park Picnic, which turned out to be great. I had fun getting all these weird looks from strangers as I went parading up and down Farmington Road with balloons trying to get people to come. I guess I was the first victim of the super powered Dan Moy water gun, but I got my revenge. But I guess hitting Weenini was not a good idea as she drenched me pretty good. I wish I could of stuck around longer till the end though.

Yesterday, was our 2nd Korean V-ball Tournament of the summer. This tournament was held at Stoney Creek and it was to celebrate Korean Independence Day. I was just so excited that finally for once that a tournament is held only 2 minutes away from my house. So the whole time I kept thinking about just going home during the dead time to rest and going home during the ceremonies/presentations. I guess something changed my mind about all these thoughts of going home in between games. As I was sitting down, I kept looking around at the Korean enviroment that I'm in. Instead of refusing to learn about there culture, I just decided to take it all in. And I kept walking around and the more and more it seemed like I was at the Olympics. I had my camera just taking pictures of all the festivities. It's not often that I get to experience such a rich tradition of history and culture. My aunt is Korean and now it gives me something else to talk about with her. It was a great experience and I hope to be a part of it next year.

Oh so how did we do in the tournament you ask? Well we took 2nd which was way too disappointing to me and I only have myself to blame. Some people say that 2nd is still pretty good but it ain't good enough for me. No one ever remembers 2nd place. However on the upside, I'm a different player from everyone else, after each lost, I only get stronger. It's true if you take a look at my v-ball past. It was only 3 years ago, that I jumped ship to v-ball and landed on Peter's team. We finished dead last in our pool, the following year we took 2nd (not good enough), and last year we took 1st. Or how bout OU my first year we took 3rd and after that bam we were champs. This year I really want to get back into the DSSC to replace my 2nd with a 1st. So yeah I was down about losing yesterday but today it just fed my hunger to be a better player and pump myself for CCUC.

Today I went to Golden Harvest for a big dinner with I guess my distant family to me but all were from my Dad's side. Some of these peeps were from Toronto and Hong Kong, almost like a family reunion. So I'm just sitting at my table playing Pokemon and asking myself why would you treat family to a Golden Harvest dinner? Umm if they came from Toronto and Hong Kong, I'm sure they've had better. Anyways, I'm sitting with my cousins, and it's funny how my aunt is looking at all these pics of girls trying to hook her son up. I'm glad my mom does not do that to me and it's funny how my aunt kept asking me "Oh what do you think about her for him" Geez like I'm any expert in the love department, all I need is me, myself and I these days. I don't understand women and I don't think I ever will. What amazes me though is that I hear everyone talking about their accomplishments and I'm amazed at how humble my parents were today. I mean they are always humble through the things they do, I mean today my parents just bought a new car, and yet they didn't say a word to anyone. I must say this car sucks in my opinion and why in the world would they buy another gas guzzler. Anyways back to their humility, it makes me wonder what the heck happened to my humility.

And it was nice to finally sleep in and wake up at 12. But if it came down to sleep or waking up at 6 a.m. to work at ACA then I would choose ACA over sleep. And I was kind of sad this morning not having to go to ACA. Again it amazes me how God works, because He knew my sadness and blessed me. How? Well I went to Taiwan Buffet with my parents and I ran into Peter 1 from ACA. He is probably the loudest kid at camp, and I always had to talk or yell at him. And it hurt me sometimes that he cried because I would send him out of the room but I'm glad that he always understood afterwards and still treated me as his favorite counselor. Well almost time for bed, I wonder what time I'll wake up tomorrow.

Live For The Moment

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