Sunday, June 22, 2003

So tonight's entry is all about relying on God's strength. Yesterday, I got to meet my staff for this summer at ACA, and I know my hours as well. When I first met my staff, I was kind of down because I missed working with Elaine. Also one girl who scares the crap out of me is Yaya. Dude she gives the evil glare at me harder than anyone else. I'm just like uhhh can't you take a jokey joke? Then it just seems like Tonda and Allen have brought their whole crew to work with ACA this year. I'm glad that I still have my boy, Ayinde. I'm glad to meet and get to know Stephanie, and Stefanie as well. I just feel like an outsider with this year's staff, but then I saw Jennifer, Connie, Wei, and Michael which helped me get through with what I was feeling.

Then I was kind of bummed over my hours as well. Now this might sound strange, but I want more hours. My boss thinks that I will need some time to rest, but I believe I can handle it all. The question is, can I remain to be The Children's Champion this summer once again?

Praise the Lord for Josiah, but I'd still prefer Bubba. I was sitting in service after finished running around, and I kept wondering how much longer can I keep this up? The verse that kept running through my mind is from 1 Cor. 9:25 or is it 1:25? I just need to continue to rely on God's strength to be able to serve Him otherwise I will simply burnout. With Bubba Sr. out of the pic for the retreat, and another brother who does not even attend the meetings, the promo team is no more and has now been a one man show. I just kept asking God today to continue to give me the strength to finish out this ministry up till the retreat.

Then came the meeting, and now God has given me another ministry to lead, which is coming up with the Retreat Activity. When it was decided that I would be heading this up, I just looked towards the sky, asking God to just give me the energy to do His Will.

Then their's the children's program which I am partially responsible for as well. Getting together with the OCC peeps to discuss their responsibilities is taking my only free night away which is Monday. Every night is packed with something, v-ball, fellowship, retreat activity, and evangelism training possible. I keep praying now that with all this going on, that none of it will take away my own individual time with God.

I was sitting for the past of Chinese service as well, and not understanding a lick what Brother Bian was preaching. I kept looking around and for the first time in maybe a long time, I missed something. What I was missing or wishing maybe, is for my parents own salvation. I kept imagining my parents sitting there in the chinese congregation, and listening to the message then see me serve God through skits. Yeah, everything we do is for God or should be, but I just wish my parents could see me at CBC serving God and to see how much I love God. I know it's all in God's timing as well on how he would use me to be a witness to them. All I can do is remain patient and seek Him for His strength.

I miss the kids that I grew a close bond with last summer such as Crystal, Jimmy, Nancy, Jessie, Jamie, Ao Xue. Now I look towards this summer with a new set of kids, and more new challenges. I keep listening to the song "Clocks" just for the tune, and I see myself in a tunnel. In this tunnel, I'm wearing one of those boxer's robes, getting ready for a fight. This tunnel is filled with darkness with only the light shining at me. I feel as if, I've pushed myself to be stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually to overcome the hurdles that I have been layed before me. However, the strength that I have gained, does not compare to God's strength. I need to continue to seek it.


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