Friday, June 20, 2003

Today, I went to VBS for the first time this year. Again it just feels wierd not serving in this ministry for the first time. The reception I got was like to me, unbelievable from the children. I had kids, ask me to come back, or just shouting my name, or high fives all over the place, or just a giggle and a laugh. I remember my first year serving VBS, I had no idea what I was doing due to the fact that I was a new Christian at the time. Dan and Cindy paired me up to assist Anna with the 1st and 2nd graders. I learned so much from Anna, and it's still a shame that I never go to say good-bye to her and their family as God called them to serve elsewhere. Anna let me do all the games with them and help them with their Bible memory verses, which in turn helped me grow as well. Dan asked me to lead the opening programs or be the MC. Gosh that was hard, but I learned how to try to relate things in a Biblical fashion. I remember that year I related everything to Pokemon. After that year, I continued to serve VBS, to carry out what I learned from Dan, Cindy, and Anna.

My 2nd year at VBS, I was in charge of Field Day which was really tough because I had never done that. Last year, I was leading all of VBS with Charlene. This year, it is just amazing how much VBS has grown. My first year at VBS, we used to average the numbers of 66 kids. Each year it has steadily grown, and this year's numbers well at least today, we had 97 kids! Praise the Lord for all this, gosh I just wished I could be more involved, I can't stand being a spectator. What else was a true blessing was that 3 of my ACA kids attended VBS for the first time this year.

Tonight, I was invited over to BBQ with the Ng's. I love it when I can just walk across the street, and save some miles. Little did I know, it was like a huge gathering, of all the Eastside Joshua Family Fellowship. It was a lot of fun, because I didn't hang out with Ray and his crew nor Steven's crew. Instead I formed my own or should I say they followed me because they wer afraid of both of their crews. It was fun hanging out with Kit Kat, and my Yu 2 girls. It made think of how I missed not even seeing Emily and Elizabeth at VBS this year. It made me feel happiness or joy, however you wanna look at it, when I was in the backyard helping with the cooking, and then I see Elizabeth through the window, and she just kept waving and smiling and looked happy to see me.

I was talking to Emily and I admire her fearlessness about her upcoming surgery. I promised her that I would come visit her on the day of her surgery before/after. It means probably waking up a lot earlier and staying down in Detroit a lot later, but eh I care about her and Elizabeth, it's called sacrifice, and the love for one another. Just the look in Emily's eyes made her feel happy that I was gonna be there with her. Elizabeth was equally as happy because she was afraid if she couldn't go into the surgery room with her mom, so now she has someone to watch out for her. I will also continue or start that is praying for Emily.

For those, who never liked or hated my voicemail. I have now changed it today, using my favorite 5th grader, Elizabeth's voice to be on it now. So what did I experience today? Happiness or joy? Whatever it was, it made me feel just stronger and that I can do anything as long as I have God. Also I read an interesting verse today as well, it's from Proverbs 20:1. If any of you get a chance, take a look at it. It made me think about people I know who use this to give them some sort of happiness or joy or it just makes them feel cool.

Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way

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