Monday, June 30, 2003

Ok today had to be one of the most annoyingest days of my life. So I just ask all y'all who read this to forgive my language, because I'm just gonna bitch about my day.

So I wake up, this morning, thinking yeah I'm gonna get to work even earlier today because of GM shutdown and people just leaving for vacation so less people on the freeway to work. However, I'm flying down Van Dyke to only find that one lane has been shut down which clogged up traffic from 18 mile to 16 mile. So of course thank goodness it was in the Heights, so I decided to fly down the subdivisions because I know those like the back of my hand. Eventually I flew back on to Van Dyke to get onto 696 thinking yeah get to work early and play Pokemon with my kids. As soon as I got onto 75, I read about some sort of contruction from 7 mile to Davison. I noticed traffic hadn't move for like the longest time, so I decided to take 8 mile and go down Woodward. With this little detour, it took me a little over an hour to get to work today. Oh and I didn't get to work early either, but just on time.

I get to work, to train 2 new peeps, Natalie and Yaya. I gave Yaya the benefit of the doubt, that maybe I was just paranoid the other day of her death stare. So I talked to her and yeah forget the death stare, she just gave me the "your stupid look." So she kept talking crap to me like I'm retarded or something. Which lead me to finally decide to tell my kids to go attack her. So we played my version of Pokemon, and like lightning, the kids jumped on her, and kicked her. Until Cindy got hurt, so I called all of them back, but it was fun to me because Yaya gave me that "steam coming out of her ears look." I apologized to Cindy for her getting hurt but she sucked it up and gave me a hug and continue to be my Ditto.

Then I announced to my Day Camp that this week will be Pokemon week, in which we will watch Pokemon 1-4 starting with 1 today. So Yaya kept showing me how she knows her Pokemon. That is until I stumped her and was just like yeah you don't know your stuff. Man I tell ya that death stare she has is like an Cyclop's optic blast.

I finally decided to leave work today at 5:30 because I was the only one left other than Tracy and Matt. I'm thinking yeah I can go to Best Buy and FCS to purchase some things for the Retreat. Hop on to 75, then hop back off due to the non-moving traffic. So I'm thinking yeah I'll be smart and take 94. Yup, 94 was even worst then 75, so I flew down the shoulder of 94 to quickly exit and ride the service drive. I quickly swung a hard left to decide to take Van Dyke from 5 mile all the way back home. For the first 3 minutes, I was flying thinking man I should take this way home more often. Then bam a train comes on down, and yeah I was stuck in the same spot on Van Dyke for 20 minutes. The only good thing was that I had my Game Boy Color to play Pokemon to kill time.

Now as I am home, which took nearly 2 hours to get home, I have to leave again. Why? Because Best Buy by my house did not have what I was looking for, so I have to go down to the Oakland one to get it in order for me to get reimburst this week, otherwise I'll have to wait a month. Then I get to go out to eat with my folks, so yeah I love how my house is just a sleeping place for me.

The only good thing that happened to me today was finally seeing my Pikachu back in camp. I love Sophia and yes I have to hold my tears in this year. So with all this crazy crap going on today, I have now decided what I will be doing for July 4th. I will be heading out to NYC on my own, I believe I just need to get away from here, from the people, and things in general, while my folks go to Toronto. Gotta represent the D in the NYC under the big lights baby.


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