Wednesday, June 05, 2002

I remember by boy, Big Nasty was talking about finding some sort of middle ground when playing sports. Like how to you play between one extreme which is just fun and recreation then switch it on to competitive mode.Lately I haven't been playing my best, and I'm not the type of guy who likes to make excuses of my poor playing. But the tendonitis, then then red marks on my arm, and now after tonight, I have a nice medium size purple bruise on my hip. I know these bumps and bruises gotta take it's toll on me, but I like to think that I am stronger than this. I noticed that I wasn't playing that well today and so I thought to just play for fun. I would normally get frustrated at people if they make a dumb mistake, and people like Kin and Lindsay would talk to me about not to freak out over my expectations of people playing v-ball. Today, I felt like because I played like crap, I was getting the reverse end of that treatment. I drove home and spent some time in the car trying to meditate on some verses. After all that said and done I feel ashamed for getting frustrated over people in v-ball. And I now realize that I should act the same way on the v-ball court as the same way on the b-ball court. Which is play hard, and competitive, but also encourage my teammates. I'm glad that my friend Cecilia told me that about one of the guys I met down in CCF earlier last month that I made him comfortable playing with me.

Well a couple of good things happened tonight as well. I finally was able to download DJ Sammy's song "Heaven". Also one of the guys from Tuesday night v-ball came up to me and invited me over to his place to chill and hangout. I don't know where he stands spiritually, but I know he's been coming to the v-ball ministry for quite sometime. And there have been a couple of occasions that he has asked me to point out something in the Bible. I'm really hoping and praying that Lord, You can use me to reach out to him.

Tomorrow, is gonna me by down time as well. I think I'm just gonna continue to push myself in working out. But I think afterward I'm gonna spend the whole day pretty much at home. I think I just need to be by myself for a little bit.

Wings and Lakers in 5

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