Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Mmmm I must say these Doodle Dandy Nerds that I just bought is delicious. Mmm 3 flavors and it is red, white, and blue. Well, SammeQ just called me asking to workout with her today. Woohoo 2 workouts in one day. I'm excited to try out this new workout program that Rich suggested to me. It is called BSF, so I'm thinking Bible Study Fellowship, how is that gonna help me work out in the Rec Center? But it is called the Bigger, Stronger, Faster Program that the Plymouth Canton Football team uses. So I'm thrilled to try this thing out.

And speaking of last night, there the usual v-ball night again. I mean I guess I am not the only one who feels that Tuesday nights have been kind of lackluster lately. And I don't know if this is part of my prob which is causing to lose some passion for this game. A new guy game to v-ball last night, and I guess I got my hopes to high. I was hoping he would be some sort of dominating player that would bring a challenge. Nonetheless, Court # 2 welcomed him with open arms. Playing 6-2 for a game brought about some sort of fun, but yeah I gotta find myself a new place to play I think. I think I just need to get away from the usual play at CBC, like playing at Beechwoods or something. Just something to do differently, where every player plays there heart out, every point means something, and not this type of giggly play like cow doo-doo and it don't mean anything to them. Also my new mission at CBC now is to catch that freaking mouse that is running loose. Just imagine that thing running loose during lunch on Sundays. And I was told we have the cleanest church of all, well I guess this theory is shot down.

I Love Rock and Roll

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