Thursday, June 27, 2002

So I entered the beginning of this week thinking that it will be stress free because no more school. Then I realize that I start work at ACA and that I am working with a new group of kids, new counselors and I've challenged myself to do a better job this year. Ok so the first day of work, our main coordinator had all the counselors introduce each other. So before I even said anything the place was rocking with kids chanting my name and banging on the desks. Because half the kids know me already and so some of the other kids were wondering how. And one thing that got brought up was that some of them knew me from VBS. Next thing ya know, some of the other kids started to say oooh I went to VBS too. And it was just so encouraging to me to see a lot of these kids are being exposed to Christ.

And one of my favorites from last year, Wei or Jessica as she wants to be called now, was showing me one of the VBS songs she learned with all the hand motions. Her and Crystal were teaching me what they learned. One prayer item for me is to reach out to Wei because this year was her first VBS and her family does not attend church. However probably my favorite girl this year is Crystal only a 5th grader but I can see she really wants to shine like a light for Christ. Crystal does attend church and I wish it was at CBC but I'm trying to get Wei into coming to CBC. Like Monday Crystal and Wei prayed together before eating lunch and I was just so inspired by that. I just couldn't stop praising God for seeing something so awesome. And yesterday we all went to the Detroit Science Center and ate lunch there. And as soon as they got lunch, they quickly turned around to come up to me and tell me that they just finished saying grace. Again I was so excited and I told them next time wait for me to say grace. I'm so thankful Lord that I've been blessed with making a new friend in Crystal.

And today we had art class, and everyone had to draw a profile of a person or just wing it. And Crystal decided to draw me, so she pulled me next to her to sit so she can start sketching. And after the class was done, our art teacher said that Crystal's was the best and recieved a round of applause for her great work. A lot of people commented her that her piece really did look like me. She dedicated this portrait to me and gave it to me, so now I'm gonna stick it up in my room somewhere. To me it was an honor as well to inspire her to do a portrait on me. And I know I get off of work at 3, but now I stay till 4:30 to just play games and sit and talk with Crystal. Because she is there till 4:30 since that is when parents can come and get her. Like I don't get paid for staying after 3, but I believe the reward is greater than money. Why? Because just seeing the expression on her face when she was looking through my Bible compared to her's and when she saw my Sunday School homework book. I'll probably talk about one kid per blog now but Crystal, Wei, Sophia, and Jessie will probably get a lot more room.

Another thing is that I'm glad that I'm starting to bond with my fellow counselors a little better. At first I've been isolating myself from them because I keep wishing it was Jean, Ayinday, and Joyce there were here. But like today, I kept goofing around with, well from now onw she will be known as fay mui. Like I stole her cell phone and changed her display, and edited her boyfriend's name by putting I Luv Kenny on there. Then I was scrolling through her phone and I saw a name that was recognizable to me. Well I don't know him that well but hopefully I will get an opportunity to know him better. And he is, Mike Lin or M.lin, then fay mui and I started talking about all the peeps we know at U of M. Then I scrolled down a little more and I saw another name that I harassed one time I believe and that was Priscilla Ho I think it was. I never realized that she is fay mui's little one as she likes to call her. And I think I'm starting to get to know Tonda and Allen better too. Well I guess it is time to call it a night and get ready for work. Gosh I really love work right now, and hopefully Crystal will bring her Bible tomorrow so we can talk about the different books after ACA is over.

Stay Together For The Kids

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